The Beauty of Community
"Life isn't meant to be done alone".
When you're surrounded by the right people,
S W E E T E R.
We see it all the time on social media; an image of a person with their arms stretched wide towards the sky, signaling some kind of triumph. Embedded on the picture is a quote saying, "I'm better off alone than with the wrong people". While there is some truth to that statement, we're not meant to do life alone forever. As I grow older and life continues to smack me in the face with different challenges, I have come to appreciate the strong sense of community and friendship. We are definitely capable of achieving our goals and walking through life's difficulties on our own.
There is so much power in being vulnerable with other people, in working through the complexities of relationships, and in allowing others to pour into our lives. We learn so much about ourselves and what we're capable of. When we find people who uplift us, care about us, challenge us, and celebrate with us, it makes those moments in life that could be done alone feel more joyful , and less burdensome.
In some of my darkest hours, I used to isolate myself but I realized that whenever I did so, I became more depressed, anxious, and life seemed insurmountable. I'm thankful to have such wonderful siblings whom I consider my best friends but I'm also grateful to have a circle of some amazing women (really they're more like sisters) who inspire, encourage, love, and challenge me.
Something I cling onto and I want to leave you with is: surround yourself with quality people and be that person for others as well.
Last but not least, I'm thankful for YOU, our "A Little Más" Familia. I LOVE being apart of a community of people that cheer each other on!
Con Amor,