God is near to the brokenhearted


We know that God Himself draws near to those that are hurting, and many times He demonstrates that through other people. When someone meets another's need or when they offer some comfort, they are pouring out God's love onto someone else. We sometimes ask: "God, where are you?" or "Why don't you help that person?". But many a time, God is waiting to use US to be His hands, His feet, to show His tangible love to those that hurt so that we can also be a part of that blessing. 

This month has been filled with tragedies: London, Hurricane Harvey, Irma, José, Maria, the earthquakes in Mexico, and much more. There is so much need and it can feel overwhelming at times. But there are ways that we can be a light to someone we have never met. Below are some amazing organizations that are helping areas that have been affected by these disasters.

Lastly, be a light to someone around you that you know is in need or hurting. Any small gesture is worth its weight in gold.

Organizations that are serving those affected by the various hurricanes in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc.) and the earthquakes in México: Global Giving, Matthew 25: Ministries, Texas Diaper Bank, Miami Diaper Bank, The American Red Cross Donate or Volunteer.), Cruz Roja Mexicana, Fondo Unido México, and a more extensive list of organizations helping Puerto Rico.


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